The student newspaper of Vernon Hills High School

The Scratching Post

The student newspaper of Vernon Hills High School

The Scratching Post

The student newspaper of Vernon Hills High School

The Scratching Post

Love in the Halls

VHHS navigates Valentine’s Days
Siobhan & Steven Szabo posing before they went to Mr. Szabo’s cousin’s wedding.


Valentines day and high school romance at VHHS

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, creating a buzz of excitement and anticipation. 

   From secret admirers to long-time couples, students are gearing up to celebrate this day dedicated to love.

 Valentine’s Day, celebrated on Feb. 14 each year, is a day dedicated to expressing love and affection. 

On Valentine’s Day at VHHS, couples exchange affection by giving things to each other such as cards, flowers, and chocolates, to convey their feelings.

For students like Damian Almanza (12), it is important to focus on planning and crafting the perfect surprise for their significant others.

“This Valentine’s Day, I’ll be surprising my girlfriend with small things she likes and a bouquet,” Almanza said.

Nikita Stepanov (12), believes that dating someone from another school makes their relationship stronger. 

“Dating someone from another school creates a good space from each other but also makes you want to spend more time together and helps you learn to communicate more efficiently. I always try and make sure she feels seen and has something nice to surprise her,” Stepanov said. 

Stepanov and his girlfriend have been together for two years.

Long-term couples, such as Daniel Levering (12) and Kelsey Vernon (12) stress the significance of planning enjoyable activities throughout the year, not just on Valentine’s Day. 

“Always plan something fun [to do] every so often, [so] you always have something to look forward to and can do little nice things for your significant other,” Levering said. 

Levering and Vernon have been together for 2 years. 

Brandon Watters, a science teacher, agrees that maintaining long-term relationships involves effort and communication.

“Communication is number one, which isn’t always effective, and fights happen, as well as disagreements, but it is important to be effective with how you talk to one another,” said Watters.

Watters has been married to his wife for 18 years and they have been together since sophomore year, making them high school sweethearts.

Students and teachers agree that it is most important to have a healthy relationship and a good way of treating each other.

 In addition to the romantic gestures, many students will spend time with peers besides significant others on Valentine’s Day, according to Ren Tao (12).

“I prefer to celebrate my friendships on Valentine’s Day,” said Tao.

Whether single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, there is something for everyone to do during Valentine’s Day, according to Tao.

“Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones, so I’m planning on bringing small hand-tied bouquets for my friends at school,” said Tao.