VHHS Girls’ Gymnastics dominates 2023 season

Jack Viets

Livy Tran takes a majestic leap.

VHHS Girls’ Gymnastics concludes with another record-breaking year. Last year, they beat their 2002 record of 5th in state by achieving 2nd place. After being ranked 1st in state at the January 14th regional, they triumphed again by receiving 1st place at the CSL Conference on January 28th.

Rani Sethuraman (9) is off to a great start during her first year of high school gymnastics. She has been a gymnast for half of her life and began competing in 5th grade. She is currently competing at the JV level at VHHS and has just recently tied the JV vault record with an 8.65. However, with her talent and recent accomplishments, comes pressure.  

“Just going up in front of everybody can bring pressure. Also, just the pressure to do well from the coaches, from myself, I just feel like I don’t want to fall a million times. I want to do well,” said Sethuraman.

Although gymnastics is an individual sport, Sethuraman enjoys the team aspect of it.

“Being a part of this team means everyone is so supportive and all they want for you is success and for you to do good,” she said.

Livy Tran (10) is a rising gymnast on the VHHS varsity gymnastics team. This is her 14th year as a gymnast and her second year competing at the varsity high school level. Tran has been practicing for 2 hours every day during the high school season which has led to her success as she has been ranked out of 10 during meets. Even though she has worked hard to deserve that level of difficulty, the pressure still gets to her at times.    

“Most of the time, I don’t feel pressure from other people, it’s mostly just from myself. If something goes wrong, I get really mad at myself and then I just get frustrated and it feels like I don’t want to talk to anybody. Being hard on myself is probably the worst,” she said. 

Behind this pressure, is a team of her fellow peers that support her. 

“We’re really supportive of each other and we just like to have so much fun and joke around and also really encourage each other at meets,” Tran mentioned.

Two-year varsity gymnast, Sarah Gutowski (11) continues to push herself year after year. Although she was on varsity her freshman year, this year is her first year competing at the varsity level due to COVID restrictions. According to Gutowski, zoom practices were really difficult.

“Last year was the first year we saw what the team dynamic would be like as well as what meets would be like. Unfortunately, when that time came, I was so in my head. It was really hard my sophomore year, but coming back this year, I’m really excited for the season and I said ‘whatever happens happens’. I’ve just made the most of it,” she said. 

This mindset has not come with ease; it has taken Gutowski years to achieve it.

“I’ve seen a lot of improvement in myself not only in my skills but also in my mental headspace in the gym. I go in every day wanting to try new stuff and wanting to become better, not only for myself but for the team and our end goal,” she said.

Over the years, Gutowski has built strong relationships with her teammates, especially with those in her class. 

“Our junior class…we’ve been through COVID and everything, we’ve all just stuck with each other and become really good friends, not only inside the gym but outside as well,” she stated.

Energetic varsity gymnast, Jess DeLorm (12), has been jumping and flipping her way to the top since she was three years old. She did club gymnastics up until 8th grade and has been on the VHHS varsity team since her freshman year. Her energetic spirit has been a positive influence on the team ever since. 

“I love the sport and I love competing, but I would say my favorite part is the team. I love the team so much and I just like how we’re all so close and all support each other, no matter what. It’s just nice to know that and know the team’s always got your back,” DeLorm said.

DeLorm has been contributing more to the team over the years and has just recently met her goal of achieving a new vault. 

“I think I am doing well with being consistent and I’m trying to contribute more to the team. I actually just got a new vault that I’m competing so I think that, hopefully, will help the team,” she said.

DeLorm has been surpassing her goals and is continuing to improve in the sport she loves.