
To the lovers who like to listen or read stories-listen to Podcasts! There are numerous Podcast series that you can download for free. Podcasts is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or any other electronic device, and they are typically available as series.  Next time you’re riding on the bus or driving in the morning to school, listen to non-fiction stories that will blow your mind.


According to Podcast rankings, the top 5 most heard series are This American Life, Invisibilia, Serial, Radiolab from WNYC, TED Radio  Hour.


Mrs. Wilson listens to a lot of them, “I like the NPR broadcast, things like Freakonomics, Radio Lab, Invisibilia, This American Life, and obviously Serial.”


Serial is a top favorite mystery series from people, It is a true story that starts in 1999. A girl name Hae Min Lee disappeared after school, later on she is found dead at a forest, policed blamed Adnan Syed, Lees ex-boyfriend that had dated her for a while and were both dating secretly from their parents. Syed was accused of first degree murder at age 18 and was immediately sent to jail. This case is still unsolved because Adnan declares he is still innocent, he is now in his mid-30’s.


How do you listen to podcast? Podcast is heard mostly as a digital audio but can be video as well. You can listen to a bunch of series and download them for free, like talk shows, call- in sports shows, audio books, poetry, DJs, news, sightseeing tours, Podcasts are similar to radio shows that you can listen while you exercise or commute to school  in the mornings.


Podcast can also teach you different languages like Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, and Japanese. They teach  you step by step to learn how to speak fluent in another language.


According to how to podcast tutorial, the word Podcast is played on the word broadcast combined with the word iPod. There are now thousands of podcasts that you can listen to whenever and however you want.  Download it for free to your Mpr, iPod, tablet, or IPhone and become a podcast addict.



Bill Simons talks about his favorite sports : the Red Sox, the Patriots and many more. His talk shows are usually about hoops about the NBA.


serial-social-logo (1).png SERIAL

Serial is a mystery Podcast which goes back to 1999 and delves into the life of a young girl in high school named Hae Min Lee. She disappears after school. A few days later she is found dead in a forest preserve and Adnan Syed is blamed for her death.




This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass and produced by WBEZ. Each episode is based on a theme.