VHHS Teaching Styles

Eli Schuster

More stories from Eli Schuster


When looking at the faculty here at Vernon Hills High School students rarely experience the same type of class. By looking closely at specific ways teachers conduct a classroom, trends become very evident. Teachers are always very aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it. Students sit through numerous classroom settings ranging from humorous, stressful, tense, laid back and many more each and everyday. There is a method behind all the madness.

A clear example is Mr. Mann. Even if not a senior, the majority of students perceive him as a humorous teacher. While this is a part of his personality, it also functions as a very useful teaching strategy. “I use humor a lot-maybe sometimes too much-but I try to at least every eight to ten minutes, not necessarily take a break, but do something or say something [funny]. Usually it is not even me, but the students that are doing something funny” said Mr. Mann. “I think when students are enjoying learning, sometimes they don’t even realize they’re doing it. The learning kind of sneaks up on you.”

That was a particularly interesting point. Instead of directly teaching, as most teachers do, Mr. Mann tries an indirect approach. Having a funny classroom though typically means a more laid back environment. “I think it is pretty open, that’s what I want it to be, sort of open and laid-back and you know everyone behaves pretty well for the most part” said Mann.

For English teacher Mrs. Young she described the way she conducts a classroom as very “student centered.” “Whoever is doing the talking is doing the learning, so if I am the one up there talking all the time then my students probably aren’t learning.”

Mrs. Young’s approach weighs heavily on having a very active and student led classroom. “I try and withhold my own opinion as much as I can, because I think it is important for the emphasis to be on the kids and what they’re doing and what they’re learning,” said Young. However, like Mr. Mann, Mrs. Young tries to keep a fun classroom environment: they’re, “I like having fun so I hope my students have fun when they’re in class and feel like they’re supported but challenged as well.”

Teaching an elective can be a whole new ball game and may focus incorporate more aspects of teaching than others. When talking with orchestra conductor Mr. Heath he stated how orchestra is a completely different job. He isn’t dealing with teaching a particular curriculum but rather exposing students to a wide range of music and fine art. Mr. Heath discussed how his classroom environment is quite laid back as well and this seems to be a common theme throughout Vernon Hills High School.

Mr. Heath previously worked at Glenbrook North and when asking him how VHHS compared to his other school he stated “there is a laid back vibe to the students and faculty in this school in general which I really like a lot… actually this feels really comfortable. My old place was a little like wearing tight shoes.” Another interesting aspect about teaching an elective in comparison to an academic may be the overall goal. Mr. Heath is more focused on just creating a positive atmosphere and a memorable experience for his students. “My goal is to never try and turn everyone into a professional musician. I want to expose people to great music and have them make it. I just want people to remember these experiences,” stated Heath.

All teachers seem to have one significant thing in common and that is their students. Each teacher wants to do all they can to connect to their students and create a welcoming atmosphere for them. “I realized before I started doing this that the only thing that felt like it really mattered over those eight years were the students that I taught and those connections,” stated Heath. Mr. Mann spoke of how “It is a job that is really rewarding because you get to help students in a time of their lives that they may really need it.” And Ms. Young said “when I think about teaching I think about the opportunity I have to maybe make a connection with a kid that is unique and I think that is really a cool opportunity.” The teachers here at VHHS truly care about their students and in making a difference in their lives. This makes VHHS students a group of very lucky students. Mrs. Young summed it up well for all teachers when she said that her one word to describe how she felt about teaching was “passionate.”