Brand new Fine Arts showcase
Throughout the year, the Fine Arts department has been working hard to put together the Fine Arts in Action Show. This year, instead of it being just art work, all Fine Arts are involved and are showcasing their skills.
“We are a pretty unique Fine Arts department when you compare us to any other department I’ve ever seen,” said Fine Arts Department supervisor Mr. Drew Russell. “My initial thought was it’s a shame that orchestra members never get to see the artwork, and the art students never see the band, and the band never gets to see the dancers. We have to figure out some way to bring this all together because we have this unique opportunity that I don’t think anybody has.”
Because of this, the art show is expecting to have more foot traffic, which highlights the artwork and promotes taking art classes.
“At first I was very hesitant, and I think it’s because [of] change and [the] unknown,” said Fine Arts teacher Mrs. Stefanie Dahlstrom, “but I’m excited to have a whole bunch of people come and look at the artwork that might not have before.”