Jake Helfand shoots his way to the top

Jay Halloway (12), Tanner Tolari (12), and Jake Helfand (12) all pose for a picture during practice.
Jake Helfand (12) stood at the 3 point line and nothing else mattered. Helfand focused solely on the ball in his hands. He lined up his shot and released the ball.
Earlier this month, Helfand went to three-point sectionals for being one of the best three-point shooters in Illinois. Helfand, a varsity basketball player, got to shoot at the Bradley Center basketball court in Peoria and met other people within Illinois who enjoy basketball just as much as he does.
The basketball team had a contest at the end of a practice which determined which student would be participating in the 3-Point contest. From there, the student participating, and their plus one, would travel to Elmwood Park High School with the coaches.
“We wanted to take District 128’s private jet, but instead we took the fully loaded District 128 mini-van,” said Coach Matt McCarty.
Helfand and teammate Tanner Tolari (12) saw a real stadium for the first time at Bradley with coaches McCarty and Coach Colin Mason.
“It was unbelievable. Walking around the Bradley Center, just looking at what a college stadium is like, watching the state teams practice was really cool,” said Helfand.
Tolari was just as excited as Jake was. Tolari got to experience something that he had never been able to see before.
“It was cool going to a college stadium, being able to go on the floor and shoot basketballs with Jake and be there for him,” said Tolari.
This is the fifth time a VHHS student has been able to participate in this contest.
“It is always rewarding to have a Cougar player represent VHHS in Peoria. Even though Jacob came up a little short in the state finals, his entire family was able to be in attendance and it was a lot of fun to watch him,” said McCarty.