Senior Feels


Senior class of 2016 on the day of color wars.

With the start of 2016, first semester is coming to a close. It’s the time of year where every tenth of a decimal of grades counts, extra credit is the most important assignment, and teachers cram information. For underclassmen, the end of first semester is the most stressful time of year, but for most seniors it’s a time to relax.

Thanks to one semester classes and fun electives, seniors are able to sit back and glide through their last year of high school. Fortunately, senior year is the time to take electives and classes that interest student future careers. Max Rickard (12) explained that, “first semester was very easy because I took mostly classes that interested me rather than extremely rigorous ones.” Getting through the dreaded junior year is worth it because senior year is laid-back.

The only stress about senior year is college apps. The deadlines, activity forms, teacher recommendations, and essays are very time consuming. Kelly Davis (12) applied to eleven colleges and says, “I finished all my apps early action, so not having to complete more applications has been the biggest weight off my shoulders.” Most seniors finish their applications in November and December and then it becomes the waiting game.

Most seniors are able to exempt out of their one semester classes as long as they have an A. This is very beneficial for seniors and pushes them to do well in class. Although the end of first semester might be relaxed and easy, the beginning of second semester can spark new feelings.

Being a ‘second semester senior’ is a title that means you’re one step closer to prom, graduation, summer vacation, and then college. The beginning of the rest of your life is approaching and for some it’s very nerve racking. But, for some, it is very exciting. Davis says, “as a senior, I find myself in the awkward middle stage where I am ready to leave but am trying to take in the last part of this year.” I can definitely agree with this statement because it’s hard to stay in the moment and not constantly think about graduating.

Maddie Farag (12) says, “I am definitely living in the moment until graduation. College will always be waiting for me no matter what, so there is no reason to be counting down the days or rushing my senior year. Senior year is the most fun so why not make it the best year yet rather than wishing it to be over.” I think this is hard for seniors to realize, but it is definitely true. Senior year is suppose to be the best year of high school so live in the moment. Be present. Appreciate all the little moments, because those are the memories that will stick with you forever.

The future is around the corner, and being adult is so close we can feel it jittering inside of us. Davis adds, “I am really excited to learn even more and be around a new environment and new people. There is a lot of pressure on us to find what we love and what path we want to take, so it makes the future exciting and overwhelming at the same time.” There is so much pressure put on us to pick our major and decide what we want our futures to look like. But, it’s important not to get caught up in this. The future will always be waiting, but we only have a limited time in high school.

So, my advice to my fellow seniors is live in every moment of your second semester. Spend as much time as you can with your friends and family. Work hard to get A’s so you can exempt from your finals. And continue to appreciate your teachers and peers throughout your last days of high school, because once they’re over, they’re never coming back.
Honor the title of ‘second semester senior’, because it won’t last for long.