Blast from the past: Halloween costumes
Costume: Jack Sparrow
Year: 2012
Description: “Every year I am a different Johnny Depp character…[My students] didn’t think it was me. It was probably the most masculine costume I’ve worn.”
Mr. Phelan
Costume: Annie
Year: 1985
Description: “This was the second time I [dressed as Annie]. The first time went over so well I figured let’s bring back a classic. When you own a bright orange curly wig you have to go as Annie.”
Costume: Painter
Year: Circa 1955
Description: “At that age no one cared about costumes: We just wanted the candy, and the candy handed out back then were full size bars nothing was bite size like it is today.”
Emily Fagel (12)
Year: 2008
Description: “I chose this costume because it was inflatable and I thought that was super cool. My friends were all pretty jealous.”
Mr. Curry
Costume: Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Year: 2006
Description: “I think my coworkers were jealous of how fabulous I looked.”
Mrs. Geltner
Costume: Graphing calculator
Year: 2001
Description: “I was a math education major at the UNiversity of Illinois… I cut out the poster, and I actually measured the sine curve on the back of the graphing calculator and made it proportional to the cover of the calculator. My friends, who were also math education majors, thought I was amazing, and other normal people on campus thought I was a dork.”