Students drink coffee for energy, taste

High school has started back up and that means assignments are coming students’ way. What does this lead to? Late study nights.

Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. All you see high schoolers carrying around with them is coffee. The first couple weeks of school have passed by, and the garbage bins have been overflowing with empty, plastic coffee cups.

From freshmen to seniors, students are starting the addiction early when it comes to caffeine.

When students drink coffee, the caffeine is recognized as a stimulant of the central nervous system, which produces energy for a period of time. It completely changes how the brain and body work, according to Medical News Today.

Once caffeine is consumed, in about 45 minutes, the caffeine will be absorbed into the blood and body tissues, which gives students a spike of energy. Later, the blood rushing energy disappears.

Students are drinking coffee for the taste and to have energy to keep them going throughout the day.

“It really helps me get through school, and when I know I have a big day coming up, I will drink coffee in the morning. It starts my day off right,” Adrian Bielaga (12) said.

Hard-working students try to cram as much studying as they can into one night, and they end up needing caffeine to keep them going, whether it is to stay up later, or to get energy in the morning.

Saad Sohail, a senior at Vernon Hills High School, works at Starbucks and credits coffee for helping him to be his best self.

“Coffee is one of the blessings from the higher power,” Sohail said. “If coffee didn’t exist, I would not have discovered the journey of success that leads me to become the strongest version of myself each day.”

Sohail loves the way coffee makes him feel, as well as the connections he has made through the coffee experience.

“Not only does it wake you up in the morning, but it also has an entire culture behind it,” Sohail said. “Through working at Starbucks, I’ve made some glorious friendships with people that I have nothing in common with but one thing — we all love coffee.”

Black coffee can have benefits, ranging from helping with weight loss to decreasing the risk of a stroke. However, students often consume drinks full of processed creams and artificial sugars, which can lead to depression, high blood sugar, headaches, and more.

Some students are also consuming coffee because it comes off as a studious drink; they see it as a symbol for sophistication, hard-work and intelligence.

Blake Teschky (12) said he drinks coffee mainly for the taste.

“I mainly drink it just because it is good,” Teschky said. “I don’t really get any energy from it, but I hope to in the future.”